Hi Trevor,
Thanks for your info.
Have decided to go with 3/16″ x 1 1/4″ stainless c/sunk threaded screws + a washer and dome head nut. I have coated these components with barium chromate where the stainless is in contact with the alloy. To seal the windows i have used Sikaflex 291, god help me if i ever need to remove them again, that sika is super sticky stuff! Whilst removing the two aft windows in the saloon i noticed that the cut-outs that where made to accept the window frames were to large at the bottom aft corners. This has resulted in there only being a small sealing surface ( 4mm ) between window frame and cabin sides. My initial problem was water ingress between the window frames and cabin sides, whilst i have detected tiny amounts coming from some of the corroded fasteners, most of the water was coming from these bottom corners. To fix this problem i have simply built up this area with epoxy before refitting, thus creating a more snug fit for the window frame.
Re: Sourcing supplies from Chandler’s…… down here in Oz, when refering to the Chandler’s, sometimes the word Swindlers is used instead. I see you guy’s may have a similar problem.
Thanks again Trevor,