Promise II

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  • #25935
    Promise II

    Promise II

    Hi Marilyn,

    I found removing the whole pump assembly to be the easiest way ( access through hole behind companion way step ) that way you can check the condition of your seals at the same time. If i can remember correctly the impeller had to be removed from the shaft using a small press.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck, Brenton

    Promise II

    You have my vote on Roger’s burgee design.

    Bye the way, can anyone tell me the best way to upload photo’s onto this site. I have tried a couple of times with no success. Are there any little tricks i should know about?

    Promise II

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for your info.

    Have decided to go with 3/16″ x 1 1/4″ stainless c/sunk threaded screws + a washer and dome head nut. I have coated these components with barium chromate where the stainless is in contact with the alloy. To seal the windows i have used Sikaflex 291, god help me if i ever need to remove them again, that sika is super sticky stuff! Whilst removing the two aft windows in the saloon i noticed that the cut-outs that where made to accept the window frames were to large at the bottom aft corners. This has resulted in there only being a small sealing surface ( 4mm ) between window frame and cabin sides. My initial problem was water ingress between the window frames and cabin sides, whilst i have detected tiny amounts coming from some of the corroded fasteners, most of the water was coming from these bottom corners. To fix this problem i have simply built up this area with epoxy before refitting, thus creating a more snug fit for the window frame.

    Re: Sourcing supplies from Chandler’s…… down here in Oz, when refering to the Chandler’s, sometimes the word Swindlers is used instead. I see you guy’s may have a similar problem.

    Thanks again Trevor,


    Promise II

    Cheers Ollie, Thanks for your reply and your kind offer.

    I will go ahead and contact these suppliers you have suggested as it now seems I will be needing more than I initally thought.

    Thanks again, most appreciated.

    Kind regards, Brenton

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