Rotational play in the aquadrive

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    I believe Suala’s drive shaft has a Classic Aquadrive CVA (?20200 – 20280 – 20300) The chatter that she usually developes when trying to run between 800 and 950 revs has become more pronounced than before. Once out of the water I notice that the rotation of the propellor manually back and forth has a noisy play. On checking this play from inside the hull the play is coming from inside the aquadrive on the gearbox side of the hull phalanges the aquadrive pushes against. The play is rotational. There is some lateral play as well but not noisy and not marked.
    I would imagine that there should not be rotational play.
    Suala is on the hard in Kemer, Turkey and I am at home in South Africa. Does anyone know what needs to be checked and likely replaced? And which model aquadrive Classic it is? I do not have much faith in the Kemer workshop. Would it be safe to motor to Marmaris where I know there are competent engineers to repair the unit? Any advice would be welcome, please. Thanks, BRIAN yacht Suala

    Kari and Lawrence

    Hi Brian,

    Hmm, I have had quite a lot of experience with different boat engines, their associated gearboxes and plant machinery in general, I served in the Royal Engineers for 22 years. To my mind, if something ain’t broken, don’t fix it, just monitor the situation. I always put my gearbox in reverse when the engine isn’t running to prevent the propeller from spinning, negating the cbance of fouling stray ropes and stopping any noise!

    Hope you are enjoying the southern summer, happy motoring.

    Regards, Lawrence

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