Hi Marilyn, I everybody,
I have read all your forums about this problem.
I have a look on TANGAROA too and I think I will have to improve this system.
What do you think about these photos.
I have only one manual pump connected to the starboard bilge thru-hull.
It seems that every cockpit drain water into the bilge.
And I have an automatic pump, connected to the starboard bilge thru-hull. It is located Under the floor of the aft cabin. This one is out of service so I need a new one.
Have you a good reference of pump to give me ?
When you are sailing, do you cut the automatic pump ?
I have read Marylin website on this subject and I have understand that you have created a new pump adjacent to the rudder post on the interior starboard side of the cabinet. I have not understand where it is located. Can you explain me. Have you a plan or photos ?
Have a good day