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  • #27483

    Hello all

    Its time to hang up my sea boots. Sea Thrift of Rame hull number 84 is for sale. Well equipped including a Flemming wind vane. Please phone Patrick on 07792 492573 if interested. She is moored at Weston super Mare.

    Best regards


    If I remember corrrectly the boards are screwed on through the the inner GRP upstand with SS woodscrews. I once replaced a short piece. I think it would be  pretty time consuming to replace all screws with bolts but this might make a good local repair if neccessary. I guess  you would need to countersink the bolt heads and fit teak dowels for a smart repair.I would think that a countersunk head bolt around M5 would do  Good sailing. Pat.


    I have been reading about peoples steering gear with interest. I have a Fleming wind vane which is Australian origin. It is a heavy all stainless steel gear and has steered Sea Thrift in all weather conditions with great success. When my main steering failed off the French coast a few years ago it steered me home to the UK. It could do this because it is auxillary type with its own independant rudder . Good sailing.


    Thanks for your comments. Part of a table fixing seems to make sense to me


    Thanks. Yes both tanks are present but the metal rod dosent have any makings on it. Yes Jeremy Lines sadly missed.


    Hello Roger and thanks. I thought that too! Yes I have the wooden dipstick and my mysterious metal rod would be too short


    Hi Christine. Thanks for your advice. Good sailing.Pat


    Hello Christine

    I have raced my Nic 38 in the Bristol channel, I have a fixed three blade prop. My club gave me 1060 as a trial and I have a spinnaker. Hope this helps Pat.


    I had the same problem with Sea Thrifts rudder. The stock was loose in the blade and there was a split near where the shaft entered
    The repair was done by drying the boat out on a local slipway between spring tides which gave us a few days to complete the repair. A plastic awning was rigged to protect the job from rain the weather was far from perfect.
    The tiller arm and shaft joining collar were detached inside the boat and the rudder support band and pintle shoe where removed.
    We were then able to drop the rudder an inch or so to help access.
    The rudder starboard side was the ground out to follow the rudder tang. The width of the grinding track about 6 inches. The rudder shaft was found to be bronze and in good condition.
    The condition of the rudder filler was better than expected and using a moisture meter we found the concentration of moisture was around the upper third of the rudder
    The rudder was dried for a day using two hot air paint guns on stands the repair was then carried out using epoxy resin and bi axial cloth. Large clamps were needed to hold the tang firmly in place as work proceeded. A lot of epoxy and cloth were used and the repair was very strong. I suspect stronger than original as the front of the rudder was now solid epoxy and bi ax.
    The bottom pintle was broken so we turned a new one using a scrap of bronze. After a year all is perfect. Hope this helps.Pat


    Hi I have removed the deck plate the rudder head has a square just below deck level. Sea Thrift came with an emergency tiller made out of round section tube suitably curved and with a square in the end. I have tried this tiller in place and the Nics rudder feels pretty big! Not sure what the upper bearing is made of but I have not lubricated mine yet. Hope this helps. Pat


    Hello Graham.When I purchased Sea Thrift in 2009 she was fitted with Lewmar 43 two speed self tailing winches. The have served me well and are easy to service. Hope this helps, regards Pat.


    Hi Thanks for the info. I will sort out a phone soon. I shall head for the Golfe du Morbihan in late April for the Sea festival. Best regards Pat


    Hello all. I too have to do some work on my rudder. Does anyone know the orientation of the photo of the disected rudder? Can anyone tell me if the rudder was of solid construction and what materials were used? My rudder is a different shape to that shown on drawing 65, the top is more square and clears the bottom of the hull by about 20mm. Many thanks, Pat, Sea Thrift of Rame.


    Thank you Adrian, thats very helpful. Regards Pat.


    I am interested in fitting Hydrovane. Can anyone tell me the shaft length and bracket type used. Also size of pads behind transom? Thankyou. Pat Sea Thrift.


    Thanks Trevor
    All useful stuff. I will use the Barton gear when I get this set up.Cheers, Pat


    Thanks Van
    I have looked at the site. The Asymetrics look good. Pat.


    Hello Van
    Thank you for your advice, all noted I am interested in the type of asymetric sail you mention, please let me know how you get on.


    Thanks Van all noyted. Regards Pat


    If there is a mainsail present it dsent seem to have much bulk! Pat Sea YThrift


    I would love to know how to connect the AP22 to my Neco drive motor I need a controller Please send the gen if poss. Regards

    Pat Sea Thrift


    Many thanks for info on Antifouling. I will try the Chilli ASAP! Regards Pat Sea Thrift


    One thought on nav lights. You could use pulpit bi colour and a main mast head all round white as motor lights. The AR white would of course be pretty high up! Pat


    Hi Trevor. Many thanks for your info. Regards Pat


    Thanks Mike. All noted. I am about to open the heater up and try to sort it out. Regards
    Pat Sea Thrift

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