Rev counter cable

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  • #6891
    Ronar M

    Hi All

    Ronar M has a Perkins 4107. Recently the cable from the engine to the mechanical rev counter has broken and I am having trouble getting a new one. I have been told that the original cable fitted by C & N was off a Massey Ferguson agricultural machine – maybe an early combine harvester. I have tried Massey Ferguson suppliers in the UK and though they were very helpful, they couldn’t track down the spare or even tell which machine it might have some from. The problem is the length of the cable (10 feet) which, they say is very long.
    Has anyone else managed to replace their cable?

    I may have to go to an electrical system but then would have to buy a new rev counter, which I am reluctant to do. Help!

    Cheers, Trevor

    Arild Jaeger

    Hi Trevor,

    I had the same problem and a local instrument technician just made me a new (mechanical) cable.

    Kind regards,

    Ronar M

    Thanks Arild. I will look around.

    Cheers, Trevor

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