Saloon table

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Van.
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  • #26029
    Richard Garlant

    During a recent sail we encountered fairly rough seas resulting in the saloon tables base breaking away.
    Has anyone had this problem or modified what seems to be a very top heavy furnishing.



    We had the problem too, a few years ago, and were able to fix it. In our case, it was a fastener in the table top that became loose. I think we epoxied it back in place. Now we are very wary of leaning on it. It is only a matter of time before someone will fall on it again, so we plan to reinforce it.

    Our idea is to attach a rectangular piece of plywood between the underside of the table, and the edge of the seat below it. We want to use bolts with knobs so that it can be easily removed. This will make it very strong fore and aft, but perhaps not help much athwartships. The idea needs some refinement.

    An added benefit underway, is that the rectangle will act as a lee support for the berth. On our crossing from Seattle to Hawaii, it was rough enough that this berth was the only place I could sleep. We had a lee cloth, but I kept wishing there was a board there.

    Am interested to hear if anyone has a good solution!


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