Code Zero (or similar) on a furler fwd of the forestay?

Welcome Back Forums Rigging Running Rigging Code Zero (or similar) on a furler fwd of the forestay?

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years ago by Van.
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  • #5681

    We are looking at a light air Code Zero or Asymmetrical Spinnaker, preferably on a flexible furler. We would like to tack this to the end of the bow roller where the hole for the anchor retaining pin is. We are talking with a sailmaker who represents Profurl and Facnor, and he’s recommending the Profurl Nex 1.5 or 2.5.

    The issue is how we will fit this – the “standard” solution would be to engineer some kind of sprit fwd of the pulpit. This is a non-starter for us.

    Has anyone attempted to fit a flexible furler to the bow roller?

    We think there is room there for both the existing furler for the 130 Genoa (Harken Mk IV), and a flex furler forward of that. If anyone has done this, please let me know!

    The beauty of these kind of sails is that they can be flown in light wind – just a few knots, and having about 60 m^2 of sail area, they can really generate a lot of drive in such light winds. Even better, they can point as high as 30 degs apparent wind angle.


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