Perkins 4107 / Exhaust Mixer Box Parsons 1.5″

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  • #5471

    I complete my last post

    My Nicholson 38 was built in 1969. Original motor PERKINS 4107.

    The exhaust mixer box has cracked.

    I must change or replace the exhaust mixer box parsons 1.5″.

    Did anybody meet this problem and could help me ?

    Does this exhaust mixer box parsons can be replace by an other one ?

    Yhanks for your ideas which will help me.

    Jean Louis

    BAIOS / Nicholson 38 n°32


    Rainshadow’s previous owner said he had seawater get back into the engine exhaust manifold, and discovered the reason why was a cracked exhaust mixer. His mechanics solution was to repair the exhaust mixer by welding it, rather than replace it.
    I do not know the details of what failed, or what welding was required – but you might remove your exhaust mixer and find a welder to ask whether they think it can be repaired. Our repaired welder works great.

    Please let us know how this repair turns out.


    michael bennett

    Hi Marilyn,
    Glad you are back hope you had a good trip.

    When i click the link above ‘reason’ it takes me here: is it supposed to ?



    Hi Jean,
    Last year I junked the entire exhaust system and went with Vetus NLP waterlock with temp alarm in hose between waterlock and manifold. Following on I incorporated a vetus air vent venting overside. (if water is coming out of the vent then all is well). In the place of the old parsons I installed a vetus gooseneck which couples up to the existing exhaust hose through to the transom. All costs were quite reasonable and much less than buying a new parsons. It also allowed me to install all new hose from manifold to gooseneck and components fit nicely into the e/r space and in place of the parsons mixer.
    I have pics if required.


    Thank you Marylin, and thank you Roger for your answer.

    I am very interested with the solutions you gave me. Buying a new Parsons is really expensive.

    Roger, if you can send me the pictures, it would be great.
    Warm regards
    Jean Louis


    Certainly Jean, need yr e-mail address to send pics.-R


    Thank you Roger,

    here is my e-mail
    Best Regards
    Jean Louis

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